Monday, July 2, 2007

Day 5: Morning Pages

What is my plan for the second half of AI? Where could I use the help of the AI fellows?

My plan for this week is to continue to comb through the data that collected from students following the advice Cindy gave us on Thursday. Up to this point my focus has been on Dragon Boy and I know there were other useful/valuable/intriguing trends at work in the book clubs this spring, so I will be looking for those.

For this week I would also like to complete the "To Do" list that Cindy and I created last week.

Item #1: Trace our processFor this item I will look back over my plan books and at the e-mails I have save from Cindy to compile a list of how we have arrived at our current thinking about book clubs. this will also help us recall whatprocedures we have used in the past.

Item #2: Book SelectionsWe have decided to change out one novel (possibly two--we need to decide the final fate of Life of Pi) and we are in need of a new selection. Some of the titles we considered in the past could be useful and I am also open to suggestions from those in the group.

Item #3: OK...just like how I couldn't remember when my turn was to bring snacks, I also can't remember items 3 and 4 from the to do list. Wouldn't you know it that I also can't find the sticky note that has the list written on it?!?!?!? Oh well.The improvised items on my list (just like this prompt) are to come up with the plan for book clubs this fall. I am curious about the suggestion someone gave to try a test run of the book clubs to help students understand the procedure for this activity better. I'm not sure if this could work because of the logistics of putting together a collection of books for students to select from a this late date.

I am also determined to come up with a plan...I think one of the original list items has returned to me...for NCTE. We need to look at the NCTE proposal to see what our focus for our session will be in November.

We also (yeah the last original list item!) need to create a timeline for planning for the NCTE session.

Finally, we need to work on the permission slips so that we can tape record students next fall.


Anonymous said...

Whew, like Stacey I'm impressed with your organization and ability to actually get a to-do list compiled. Usually I'm much more organized myself, but this summer seems to be an unusually rough one in the mom category so I'm lagging behind more than I'd like in the rest of my life. But, you've both given me the much needed boost to spur me out of my pit of indecision. One of my goals for the day is to mirror your reflection and get a list going - because I'm actually a pretty good task-master for myself and maybe all I need is the list. Thanks!

Tim Fredrick said...

A great blog on teacher research. We've added you to our blogroll at